The New Year is a time for reflection, as we look back on the previous year and look forward with hope and optimism to the year ahead. It’s a time for a fresh start, for us to make changes in our lives and re-evaluate our priorities for the next year.
Many people look to become healthier by joining a gym, others look to read more or take more quiet time for themselves.
For myself, this next year is set to be a busy one with under a year and a half until the next Senedd Elections, as well as a new portfolio for me to sink my teeth into.
This last year has been a very busy one in politics, in both Wales and across the United Kingdom.
We have had three new leaders across the major parties in the Senedd, as well as a new Government in Westminster.
With these new leaders comes a chance for a new direction for Wales as the different parties develop policy and new direction.
Unfortunately, real change for Wales can only happen with a change of Government, and I look forward to developing new policy to show that the Welsh Conservatives are ready to form the next Welsh Government.
However, ultimately, there is much we can do to help each other and our communities
This was evident by the response of communities across Wales in dealing with the recent flooding we have seen because of two damaging storms.
Here in the county, I have nothing but praise for the way the community came together to support those affected by the terrible fire in Abergavenny in November.
It is these communities coming together in difficult times that truly makes Wales special.
Whatever opportunities and challenges that the next year has in store for us, I know that our communities across Wales will stand shoulder to shoulder and face them head on.
Can I wish all reading this a very happy and prosperous New Year.
Peter Fox MS - Monmouth